Just because I am jealous of Bruno and his new camera, I borrowed today the Nikon d70 from a friend who just bought it. I took that picture of stella 🙂 and that one of the owner of the camera…
Stella’s first live site
Stella uploaded yesterday her first site for which she will get money!!! http://www.lightkissfm.gr/ (update 2010 – this site no longer exists and if you do find it, it is not the one we made) It is for a radio station,…
House Designs
Last Friday (19th) we got the first designs for the house from the architect. We have been thinking over them, over and over since then. I believe that what annoys us most, is that the house is too big. Bigger…
Social insurance. Greece
For the last 2 months I have a small problem with my knee. They (doctors, Greek social insurance, divine intervention) are not going to cut the leg off as someone would expect, but they (Greek social insurance) have found a…
Several things concerning radio: 1) Stella is making a website for a radio station. She decided to base it on phpNuke, given that they wanted a lot of the functionality that is already there. For small scale projects, phpNuke rocks.…
A new board
After having not been in the workshop for more than 3 months, I spent 3 hours Saturday morning working on a new skeleton for a backgammon board. This time I started with walnut wood. Much more expensive than everything I…
First Day of Winter
Well, strange: It is the first time that I listen to people wanting the winter to come. This long summer has started getting on peoples nerves. It is the beginning of November, and it seems that today is the first…
“Heads In”
The joke bellow does NOT apply to us 🙂 Once someone died, and like most of us will, he ended up in hell. When he crossed the gates, a little guide-devil took him in a “sighting tour” to show him…
Scientific reports
Well, I dissagree with a LOT of them. I translate from a greek newspaper: “Research on 3000 people, showed that the people who drink 2 or more cups of coffee per day, have a 70 % bigger chance of getting…
Nothing serious, but we didn’t know that in advance, so last night, we got alarmed, and we went to the hospital with Ioanna. 2 hours queuing for a doctor to see her, and then another 45 minutes for the tests…